Every once in awhile, I try on someone else's shoes. In this case, it is the start of the new studio paining. The initial drawing was done in burnt siena and just enough to work out a few issues. Sometimes when you've been painting for awhile, it is nice to get out of your own skin and try something new. Usually, I do a full value study under my paintings but in this case, I decided to try something new which I watched a fellow artist due for a plein aire painting. It did speed up my "getting to the painting" quicker but I found that I do miss the map I get with a full value study. So, I will probably keep the full value drawing phase(even in plein aire), but maybe do a smaller study size and try this quick way under the actual painting. I'll keep you posted.
This road is like many roads in Missouri. The foliage during late spring and early summer almost masks out the sun and it is filtered through little breaks in the trees and also reflected from where the sun hits the leaves. This is a composite from one of my favorite roads in Augusta, Missouri and also one of my favorite paths in Lake Jacomo Park. This is a really great way to get the best of both paths in the studio,something I can't do when plein aire painting.
Hope you enjoy the painting and the new adventure in my studio.
Happy Painting!