This two paintings are my recent endeavors at the easel. The first is a painting of the putting green at Lakewood Golf and Country Club. This view was captured out the window during the recent reception for my ongoing art exhibit and sale, which will be up till the end of September. As soon as the paint dries this will be joining the other paintings hanging there.
The second painting is a view of the vines at Holyfield Winery in Bashor, Kansas. It was started as a plein aire during the recent plein aire event there. After I brought it home, I decided that it needed a little tweeking. So it went back on the easel to be revamped. I am really happy with the end result. This painting will also be going up at the Lakewood Show along with an additional plein aire painting created during the Holyfield event.
If you haven't had a chance to see the exhibit and sale, please take a jaunt to the Lakewood Country and Golf Club in Lee's Summit, Mo. to see all the paintings. Remember, Christmas is coming and all my paintings can be purchased thru my layaway program.
Happy Painting,