Saturday, August 14, 2010

Revamping paintings to success

Sometimes,for whatever reason, a painting just doen't work when plein aire painting. I have decided to revamp a few of these paintings. Now that I have new skills in oils, I want to push these little studies to new heights.

Every artist goes thru these spells and learning curves. Instead of just giving it up to the trash pile, see if you can raise it from the dead zone instead. It might not work on all your junk pile but remember one person's trash is another's treasure. If the composition works and the main focus or center of interest is working, why not give it a shot!

So, look at your junk and go change it into treasure!
Happy Painting,

this painting will be up on my website and for sale in the New and Recent Works category-so if you've fallen in love go check it out and it could be coming to your home soon.

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