I know that when I paint in plein aire, that sometimes things just don't work out quite like I would like. So I decided to take an old plein aire painting that I did at Lake Jacomo and revise it. The original is a two hour plein aire painting. It has hung on my wall for almost two years. There were things about the painting that just didn't appeal to me. So, when one of my students asked about the painting and what I would change-I took up the challenge. It is still not an out the door painting as far as selling is concerned but I'm happier with it and glad to get a chance to provide my students with a life lesson.
SO-here goes-
This is the original painting as it appeared that day when I was done.
I will be posting the revisions and discussing my thought process in doing those revisions in the next blog.
what I did not like about this original work is multiple. Didn't care for the top of the painting where the tree(which was my focal point) leaves the right side. Also the fact that the right side of my painting seems weighted down to that side. I also didn't like the slanted lines created by the tree line on the left, the water on the left and the way the ground also seemed to slide down the left side.
So these are my issues-as I see them. In the next blog, I will let you know how they were changed,hopefully for the better. I often change paintings that I have done that don't seem to be working. Some I can enhance and be happy with, others become a teaching and learning tool for me. I feel that you should always be in the learning mode so you can move forward in your endeavors.
Stay tuned-
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