Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blue Springs Garden Tour Painting

Well, I decided to continue my "larger format" experience in the "real world". I have been having fun with the larger formats in my studio and decided that I needed to try and capture that same feel and size in plein aire. I was inspired by Zak Barnes and Guido Frick who paint on large canvases outside.
It was quite a learning experience! For one thing, the larger format acts like a sail in windy conditions, which we had on Saturday. So, I bungee corded everything. Even then, I still had to, at times, hang onto the side of the canvas to keep it blowing into the lake. The other thing I had to remember was that larger canvases take MORE PAINT! After I ran out of a mixer that I loved twice, I really laid out the paint to avoid that problem. We were also painting in pretty much full sun as the umbrella refused to stay in place and after retrieving it from the water's edge, I gave up on that venture. Also painting larger requires more time-a lot more time. The smaller formats in plein aire I can usually whip out in a couple hours but this larger format takes a lot more time-thus the sunburn.(note to self reapply sunburn creme more often!!!!!!!) Other than those couple of issues, the process is basically the same.
I also decided that I need to expand my vision. So, this is the first structures done in plein aire also. It was just a huge day of "firsts". I am happy overall with the results. I may tweak it back in the studio and see if it can be fine tuned. Really though, the vision I had for the painting was pretty much completed on site. This is something I will definitely try again. I had a ball, even with the wind and sun issues.
So keep your seats for more to come-
En Plein Aire,

Friday, June 24, 2011

Studio Painting-coming into its own

This is the painting as of last night. I decided to leave the grasses on the right, the rocks and the space above the rocks. I added the lily pads, refined the plant on the left and added back in some darker water on the left above the lily pads and plant. At this point, I have decided to turn the painting to the wall and let it marinate for awhile. I have enjoyed the process of "going bigger" and am moving on to another painting based on the lakes, ponds and golf course where I live.

All my bigger paintings will be going to the Lakewood Golf Club for my exhibit there in August and September-more on that later.

Also, I will be painting at 804 SW 15th, Oak Grove, Mo. this Saturday from 9am to 4pm during the Blue Springs Garden Tour. The garden I am painting in has 11 gardens and a small lake. As I love water, this just seemed the perfect spot for me. Chrissy, my daughter-in-law and student, will be joining me on this adventure. After the morning rain, it should be a fun day. So come on out and say hi!

Happy Painting and Collecting,


New Phase for the Studio Painting

This is the second phase of my plein aire to studio painting. I have finished with the water, refined my rocks, added some grasses and am ready to move to the next phase. It has been an interesting process. Lots more time to think than the plein aire experience. That has proved to be a good and bad thing. I think the key, for me anyway, is not to overthink but to try and capture that spontaneous feeling and excitement that I get when plein aire painting but also to have it be more refined in my decisons. It is time now to put away the reference material and let the painting come into its own.

Happy painting,


Monday, June 20, 2011

A New Direction-From Plein aire to Studio-Going Bigger

I am starting a new painting which is a little (okay a lot) different for me. I am using a plein aire painting and reference photos to create a larger studio painting. I will be posting my progress into this new journey of unknown. I have long wanted to go "BIGGER" but always been a little reluctant. Not sure entirely why but probably just time, money and FEAR! I have finally decided that this will afford me an opportunity to expand my market and hopefully expand my collectors in the process. Plus-let's face it-it's just FUN!

I also want to encourage my students to expand their horizons and lunge forward into the unknown. I have discovered that a few things are evident-like more expensive canvases, more paint(definitely using my limited palette range), more time(but this is actually a plus by not feeling "rushed" to finish like when I do plein aire), and I can paint at 3am if I chose in relative comfort-even in my pj's if I chose.(not really an option in plein aire).

So, here goes-
Hope you grab a chair and join me on this journey-

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Stems Paintings from the Overland Park Arboretum

These paintings were created on site at the Overland Park Arboretum during the Stems Plein Aire Event. This is an annual event and fundraiser for The Arts and Recreation Foundation of Overland Park. This event is in its third year.

I have participated in the first years event which was an invitational event by the MidAmerica Pastel Society. The second year, I was out in Taos, New Mexico painting in plein aire there and didn't get back in time to due that year even though I had signed up. This year, we got back from the Augusta, Mo. Plein Aire event in time to hit both the George Owens Nature Park plein aire and the Stems plein aire events.

One of my paintings in the George Owens Nature Park event received an honorable mention in the judging at that event.

The painting of the water lillies and rock wall named "Tranquility" and the painting of the water, rock and willow called "Willow, Rock, Water" sold during the VIP events at the Rice Gallery in Leawood, Ks.

The first day we went out was nice and very pleasant. The second and third it rained but we were used to that from the Augusta Mo paint out where it rained almost every day this year. It is nice to be painting in oils instead of pastels cause oils don't mind the water. Pastels, on the other hand, are not fond of water.

There were wonderful paintings created by all the artists during the Stems event and you can still purchase some of the paintings that will be at the Tomahawk Ridge Community Center or at the Stems A Garden Soiree Event in the Stems Plein Air Paint sales tent.

So get out and support the arts!

Happy collecting,
